Online Forms

New Client Form

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to care for your pet. Please help us better meet your needs by sharing some important information we require to support your pet’s needs today and in the future.

a dog lying on the blanket

New Client Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.

Patient Information

All fees for professional services or products are due in full at the time of discharge.

We accept Cash, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and CareCredit or a check along with complete identification. Picture identification is required for all credit cards, debit cards, and checks. There is a $50.00 service fee for all returned checks. In the event of any legal action, I (client) agree to pay all reasonable court costs, deposition fees, and attorney fees.

I (owner) hereby consent and authorize the veterinarian and/or staff to administer any medication, tests, anesthetics, or surgical procedures that the veterinarians deems necessary for the health, safety, or well being of my pet(s) once it has been explained to me. I understand that no guarantee of successful treatment can be made. I further understand that Elko Veterinary Clinic is not a 24-hour facility and my pet may be left unattended.

By law, NAC 638.052 Retaining possession of animals. NRS 638.070, a veterinarian may retain possession of an animal until all money owed to the veterinarian for the care of the animal is paid. If the veterinarian retains possession of the animal, he or she shall continue to care for it in a humane manner. Each day that the pet is here we will charge for the care of the pet according to our standard fee schedule.

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***All Information Remains Confidential***

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